It’s All In The Spin
Chakras spin in alternative directions as they move up your body.
When in balance, the chakras spin in alternate directions as they move from base of the spine to the top of the head. The 1st chakra spins in one direction and the 2nd chakra spins in the alternate direction. This alternating spin pattern continues moving upward to the 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th chakras. The fundamental purpose of alternate spin is to create emotional breath.
The chakra system, therfore, represents your emotional breath, your state of emotional balance. (Learn more about the system.)
A chakra spining in a counterclockwise direction creates a in-breath and a chakra spinning in a clockwise direction represents an out-breath.
Chakra balance is also dependent on the radius and rate of spin. Each chakra must be fully open and the rate of spin will be consistent with your resting heart rate when in balance.
Chakras spin in opposite directions for men and women
Men’s chakras, starting at the root, spin clockwise, counterclockwise, clockwise, etc. as they move upward.
Women’s chakras, starting at the root, spin counterclockwise, clockwise, counterclockwise, etc. as they move upward.
What is the significance of this………
In the simplest of terms:
When a man’s chakras are in balance he has clear boundaries, respects himself and shows his affection, his love, with advice.
When a woman’s chakras are in balance she is creative, compassionate, nurturing and supportive.
Men receive love on the emotional in-breath. A man’s heart chakra, when in balance, spins counterclockwise. They receive love from their external world. From the company they keep.
Women create their own love and provide compassion to others on the emotional out-breath. In women, the heart chakra, in balance, spins clockwise.
When in balance, men easily create their own sense of self and speak their personal truth with clarity.
For women, who receive their identity and voice on an emotional in-breath, the company you keep makes all the difference.
Women require a very supportive circle of collegues/friends/family to be able to authentically communicate with ease and to function from a place of self-worth and self-respect.
Emotional balance for women starts at the Heart.
Love the self and your whole structure will be solid.
Emotional balance for men starts at the Solar Plexus.
Self-respect is key to their overall well-being.
Who cares? As a woman, I do!
The women I work with are often shocked to hear they are carrying the energetic signature of the men in their lives.
Please remember, as a woman, your boundaries, sense of self as well as your voice is received from an emotional in-breath.
Consider this as a possible scenario. The man in your life had a rough day at work. He is super angry, annoyed or frustrated when he arrives home. You ask what is wrong and he tells you the story. The next thing you know, he’s fine and you are completely tense, exhausted, or just plain agitated.
You have taken in his energy. It happens all the time!
Therefore, It may not be surprising to learn that as a women you need to release the emotional tension you have accepted from your male partner and the company you keep, on a regular basis.
Women are sponges, soaking it all in.
As a woman this emotional tension diminishes your self-esteem, self-worth and your ability to speak your own truth.
What does Love have to do with it?
As a woman, I believe there are 3 things you need to remember.
- The emotional tension you are absorbing is adding significantly to your overall stress level. Taking yoga or tai chi plus meditating regularly can help reduce your stress.
- Love yourself and the whole emotional structure is balanced. You need to understand and accept yourself just as you are. You must have compassion for yourself and you must care for and about yourself. As a care provider you must put the oxygen mask on yourself first before you attempt to care for another.
- Always remember that men show their affection by providing advice. Please acknowledge and accept it for what it represents – love.
Emotional Balance – It’s all in the spin!
Please take what you like and leave the rest, for this is and always will be my opinion.
If something fits with your beliefs or creates an ah ha moment – wonderful!
We all need to speak our truth and this is mine.
The Qualifier
Raincoast Elemental Wellness and Consulting Inc. is a complementary care provider.
All the services provided by complementary care providers are complementary to, and do not replace the prescribed treatment/therapy of a licensed Medical Professional. Complementary care providers do not diagnose, treat or prescribe.
Raincoast Elemental Wellness and Consulting Inc. domiciles in Canada and falls under the laws and jurisdiction of Canada.
So interesting, Diane! Thank you. I particularly like the part on how we women absorb the energy of our men. What can we do about this? Can we release it, and if so, what is the best way to release this accumulated energy?
Thanks so much Tracey for your question.
As we are energetic beings we are continually sharing energy with our partners. We absorb the energy more fully and hang onto for a longer period of time when it is our intent consciously or subconsciously to remove their pain. What we are actually doing is removing their lesson, which will come back to bit them and the next time, it may be twice as hard. It is both hard and uncomfortable to watch someone we love in pain and that is why we do it. I get it. I have done it myself and I understand that I will probably do it again.
This phenomena of wishing to remove pain from others happens all the time, in different settings, and is not just limited to our partners. When our intent to to help/fix someone, it is important to remember that we have decided to take on their energy. Our decision to help/fix someone is quite different then supporting someone in their own ability to heal themselves.
Relaxation is required to release the energy we have taken on. It could be mindful breathing, meditation, Yoga or possibly Tai Chi. All four (4) are excellent ways to release. They are excellent for release because they relax the body. Stuck energy cannot be released from a tense body. A tense body holds the energy in. As everyone is unique, it is important to try different relaxation techniques to find the one or combination of a few that work best for you.
(Please note that exercise, unless it is walking, normally tenses the body. Exercise can induce an endorphin bliss-like state which is often confused with relaxation. They are not the same!)
Here are three (3) important items that you may wish to keep in mind when practicing any relaxation technique:
1. Always set your intention to release the energy you are holding that is not in alignment with your highest and greatest good.
2. To be prepared to feel, acknowledge and release the emotions that will bubble to the surface. We cannot release what we cannot feel. This is the paradox and why relaxation techniques can be so very uncomfortable. And, may not be for everyone.
3. Once the energy that is not for your highest and greatest good is released, how do you feel? Really note what it feels like to be you. Your mood, your characteristics and, your emotions. Once you know who you really are and what it feels like to be you, it will be easier to detect when you have taken on – taken in – the energy of another.
Last but not least, whenever possible, regardless of how you are feeling, practicing a relaxation technique each and every day will support your overall sense of health and well-being. Relaxation techniques allow you to be you. The you that is acting for your highest and greatest good.