The Check-in for those times when you just need a helping hand to get you back on track!
The Check-in
Thursdays – 12:30 pm – 6:00 pm
Session Fee – $50.00 plus GST
Session length – Approximately 30 minutes
Please Book directly through White Lotus Divine Healing
Book by phone – 604-937-5540

Tired of hitting your head against the proverbial wall.
All you need is the right key!!!
Feeling stuck?
Do you have a story, an emotion, that has bubbled to the surface
you would like to release?
Normally, you can figure it out on your own.
You can release it yourself.
But, this time it’s a bit different.
This time you are stuck in your own loop of analyzation.
Perhaps this time, you are in need of a helping hand.
A bit of a nudge.
Through muscle monitoring, it can be determined both quickly and easily what is required to support your relaxation to enable you to release. Supporting your ability to find inner peace and a path forward.
Perhaps all you need is a new affirmation or a divination card to work with?
Or, the application of a sound essence spray or an AkuRy chip?
For those of you who are really self-motivated, self-sufficient, and like to work things out on your own, the Check-in is your perfect solution!
You still need to do the work yourself but, you receive a little nudge to get you started again.
The Qualifier
Raincoast Elemental Wellness and Consulting Inc. is a complementary care provider.
All session provided by Raincoast Elemental Wellness and Consulting Inc. are complementary to, and do not replace, the treatment and/or therapy prescribed by a licensed medical professional. Complementary care providers do not treat, diagnose or prescribe.
Raincoast Elemental Wellness and Consulting Inc. domiciles in Canada and falls under the laws and jurisdiction of Canada.
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