Self-Care through Meditation
Your outer world reflects your inner world. You need to take time, make time, for yourself everyday. Even if you only take ten (10) minutes. Ten (10) minutes is better than no minutes which is unfortunately what a lot of us afford ourselves.
Self-care is required on an ongoing basis to find inner peace and a path forward. To be content.
The meditation below is just one of a number of different meditations that can be used for your self-care.
It is an honour to share it with you. I hope you find it useful.
Meditation for Inner Peace
The purpose of meditation is to still your conscious mind, the ego, to ensure you are listening to your higher self, your heart-based self, your subconscious.
Your higher self is the subconscious mind.
I have heard some say that the subconscious mind is the inferior mind. This is simply not true. The subconscious mind is the internal mind that knows exactly what you need and when you need it.
Spiritual growth requires you to act for your highest and greatest good. To act in alignment with your subconscious mind.
You need to dig a bit and clear the debris you have allowed to build up to find the inner peace you deserve.

Always remember under the debris, you are perfect the way you are. You are love, light and wisdom.
Your natural state has just been covered up by the things, the incidents, that life throws at you. If you clear away the stories, the debris, that no longer serve you, you may be surprised that your natural self is still there.
The natural, beautiful person you have always been is just covered up, not lost.
Self-care can support your ability to rediscover yourself.
The Meditation
Please find a comfortable position – whatever feels right for you. Sitting with your feet on the floor or laying down.
Start by taking in three (3) deep breaths. Breathe in through your nose and all the way down to your second chakra. Two inches below the navel and 2 inches inward, toward the pelvis. Your exhalations should be slow and you need to release as much breath as you are comfortable to release.
Once the 3 deep breaths are complete follow the pattern below:
Breathing in through your forehead. Breathing out through the bottom of your feet.
Inhale through your throat. Exhale through the bottom of your feet.
Breathing in through the heart. Breathing out through the bottom of your feet.
Inhale through the stomach. Exhale through the bottom of your feet.
Breathing in through your belly. Breathing out through the bottom of your feet.
Inhale through you bottom of your feet. Exhale through the top of your head.
Breathing in through your heart. Breathing out through heart.
Continuing to breath in and out through your heart for 2 – 3 minutes.
Feeling at peace – – – centred – – – grounded.
Breathing in Love. Breathing out Love. (Repeat for 2 – 3 minutes.)
The Qualifier
I am a complementary care provider. I am not a licensed Medical Professional.
All the services provided by complementary care providers are complementary to, and do not replace the prescribed treatment/therapy of a licensed Medical Professional. Complementary care providers do not diagnose, treat or prescribe.
Raincoast Elemental Wellness and Consulting Inc. domiciles in Canada and as such falls under the laws and jurisdiction of Canada.
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Trash Image – Image by Gerardo Gómez from Pixabay
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