August 2020 – Message of Connection
Past – VI wands
There was victory. Riding high. A bright outlook and a well deserved celebration. You knew where you were headed and you were pleased with your progress. There was a lightness in the air. You looked forward to the future.
This may not be actually how you felt at the time but, looking back on it, you were is a good place.
Present – X Coins & VI Cups
Thoughts turn to money or physical manifestation. The traditions of the family. Beliefs of the generations that came before you are so deeply embedded. The stories you have received over the years, whether true or false, have become part of your belief system. This can; however, cloud how you perceive your personal wealth and success. It can cloud your judgement about yourself.
If you look hard enough, you can see how you have changed. How kindness and a childlike sense of awe and wonder has grown into a need to accumulate wealth based on generational beliefs. Kindness is no longer the currency of the day because kindness does not put food on the table or pay the rent.
Kindness, though, is exactly what is being called for. You are being asked to see the big picture and to understand what you give now will create society’s future.

Future – X Wands
The further you move away from kindness, the greater the burden on society’s soul.
When you are acting and reacting out of kindness and abundance regardless of your circumstance you can manifest riches for yourself and society.
Kindness matters. It is not about what you have lost, it’s about creating something new that is kind and safe for all.
Whether we like to admit it or not. We are all one. What I do affects you and what you do affects me. It may not be a direct connection but, there is a connection.
Energetically, the connection looks more like a ripple. What I do will cause a ripple and eventually that ripple will effect you. The ripple will touch everyone on this planet.
Yes, you make a difference, an important difference.
Tarot Readings are intended solely for entertainment purposes.
You must follow your own common sense and good judgment when making any and all of your life decsions.
Raincoast Elemental Wellness and Consulting Inc. domiciles in Canada and falls under the laws and jurisdiction of Canada.
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Pebble in Water Image – Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay
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