October 2020 – Be Kind in the Face of Adversity
The 8 of cups crossed by the Empress.
A much different type of reading this month. The 8 of cups lets you know, in no uncertain terms, it’s time for you to move on. There is nothing of value, nothing to be salvaged in the current situation. Look at the broken glass. There is absolutely nothing that can be used.
But, and extremely interestingly, the 8 of cups is crossed by the Empress. The card that crosses can be a help or a hinderance to you. In this case, I believe it to be a helper card.
The Empress speaks to nourishing the self. To be kind and compassionate.
If you are walking away from a situation, always remember to do so in a way that honours your values. Be especially kind and compassionate to yourself and those around you.
Because, in the end, not only do you have to live with the choice you have made but, the way in which you handled it.
In other words, deciding how you are going to end a situation is just as important as why you decided the situation is no longer for your highest and greatest good. If you are always kind to yourself, value who you are and what you need, you are less likely to burn your bridges.
You must love and value yourself before you can truly love and value others. Because, how you treat others is an extension, a mirror, of how you treat yourself.

Be kind to yourself and others – Always!
Tarot Readings are intended solely for entertainment purposes.
You must follow your own common sense and good judgment when making any and all of your life decsions.
Raincoast Elemental Wellness and Consulting Inc. domiciles in Canada and falls under the laws and jurisdiction of Canada.
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