September 2020 – Message of Perspective

You appear to be riding high (vi wands) but, is this a true victory or are you just pretending.

It is so very important to know who you are and how you are actually feeling and thinking.  It is not about what others say you should be thinking or feeling.  What matters is how you are truly thinking and feeling.  Because, eventually the thoughts and feelings you are holding will pop to the surface.  They will pop to the surface to be released.

Beneath each victory there is always reward (ix cups) and loss (v coins).  Which one are you concentrating on? 

Perspective matters !

This is your time to choose.  The choice is always yours.  There is light and dark in everything.  Light cannot exist without darkness and darkness cannot exist without light.  Perhaps it is your time to balance them out and understand that nothing is perfect and nothing lasts forever.

But, we can choose to believe that everything happens for a reason and whatever is happening is for our highest and greatest good (whether we can see in the moment or not – v coins).  Everything happens to facilitate our spiritual growth.  You do really need to believe this! Your perspective of each each situation as you encounter it, really. does matter.

Some lessons may be pleasant, while others definitely not; however, they all fulfill our purpose, to learn and grow.  To shine our brightest bright for ourselves and for others to see.

We are here to move through our lessons.  That is the human condition.

Question:  Do you see an empty shell? Or, do you see that a new life has begun?  The choice is yours!


Tarot Readings are intended solely for entertainment purposes.

You must follow your own common sense and good judgment when making any and all of your life decsions.

Raincoast Elemental Wellness and Consulting Inc. domiciles in Canada and falls under the laws and jurisdiction of Canada.

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Tarot Reading for Spiritual Growth


Empty Shell – Image by Mabel Amber from Pixabay