The Term Grounded

You hear it all the time – You are not grounded – You need grounding.

But, is grounding really what you should be talking about?

I have worked with both the ungrounded and the super grounded.  Both require support.  I am not convinced that grounding is the only topic we should be talking about.  Perhaps a more all encompassing approach would include the concept of centring.

The Ungrounded, Grounded and Super Grounded

Being ungrounded has been described to me as:

  • Not being able to focus or concentrate.
  • Daydreaming and/or being stuck in daydream-like state.
  • Not being present and/or able to be/stay present.
  • Feeling numb.
  • Not being able to feel the physical body.  For example – You know you are sitting on a chair but, cannot really feel the chair beneath you.  Or, you have little to no emotional reaction to an event happening to and/or around you.
  • overwhelmed, tense or anxious.

Ungrounded  State – What am I actually seeing.

  • In some cases, the auric field is completely outside the physical body but, tethered to it.  The auric field appears as a kite, floating above the physical body.  In fact, in a couple on incidences, I have seen the auric field pulling on the body.  It appeared as if the auric field was trying to get the physical body to move away from the current situation.
  • In other cases, the auric field is simply not all the way in – all the way down to the toes within the physical body.  The auric field appears to start from the knees or the shoulders and raises up above the head.

Being Grounded – Finding Centre:

I used to define being grounded as having a centred auric field.  A field that reaches both the tips of your toes and below as well as the top of your head and beyond.  I guess the term that better describes this state is centred.  Yes, you need to be in touch with your body, the physical and be in the present; however, if you are not in touch with your higher self, how can you possibly hear what your true self, your higher self, your soul self has to say.

I am currently of a different mindset.  Now I believe being grounded and being centred are two different things.  I would now describe being grounded more in terms of flow.  Yes, you need to be in your body, aware of your body and to be present but,  you also need to be able to release.  My new and/or revised thought about grounding is that the term refers to your ability to release energy into the ground.  You are able to allow situations, emotions to flow through you to ground.  There is unencumbered flow from the top of your head to the tips of your toes and into the ground.

Being centred, on the other hand, is about being in your heart.  It is about being compassionate to yourself and others.  Seeing the world through the eyes of the heart allows us to find peace and contentment.  Your heart represents your true self, your soul self, your higher self.  Being in your heart allows you to love both the light and shadow aspects of yourself.  To really understand yourself and embrace yourself as a whole being.  It also allows your intuition to flourish and supports your ability to know what is best for you.

 Being Super Grounded:

It is the opposite of being ungrounded.  I have mainly seen this phenomenon as the entire auric field below the feet

Being Super Grounded has been described to me as:

  • Feeling overwhelmed, tense or anxious.
  • Emotionally more sensitive to events and situations.
  • Feeling weighed down or compressed
  • Unable to tap into your inner knowing/intuition

Relaxing to Ground and Centre

Whether you are ungrounded or super grounded, you are not working towards your highest and greatest good.  Having your auric field outside your body, whether above your head or below your feet, leads to tension, anxiety and generally feeling overwhelmed – unbalanced.  Why do you feel this way?  Because there is no flow.

You want to work towards having your auric field centred.  The simplest way to achieve this – which isn’t always easy – is to relax.  I truly mean relax and not distract.  You need to relax the body so the auric field can re-position itself.  When the physical body is tense, the auric field cannot centre itself properly.

Consider your body like a tube of toothpaste.  When your body is tense, the auric field, like toothpaste is squeezed out.  Once out of the tube, you know how hard it is to try and get the toothpaste back inside.  Luckily, it is much easier for the auric field to re-position itself once you relax the body.

Relaxing the body is most easily achieved through meditation or Tai Chi and some forms of yoga.

Let’s change the discussion!

Supporting your ability to relax supports your wellbeing.  How?  By supporting your ability to ground and centre.  Being grounded means that your energy is flowing to ground and you are able to release with ease and grace.  If you are also centred, in your heart, you are at peace with yourself and the world around you.  These two states of being support your health and wellbeing.

The Qualifier

Raincoast Elemental Wellness and Consulting Inc. is a complementary care provider.

All the services provided by complementary care providers are complementary to, and do not replace the prescribed treatment/therapy of a licensed Medical Professional.  Complementary care providers do not diagnose, treat or prescribe.

Raincoast Elemental Wellness and Consulting Inc. domiciles in Canada and falls under the laws and jurisdiction of Canada.


Opening Image by David Mark from Pixabay